
We Provide A Wide Range Of Services

How We Can Help You?

Depending on your injury or condition, you may benefit from a combination of treatment options. Some of the services we offer are listed below.

Specific exercises that will help you with physical rehabilitation or get you more fit. Depending on your condition, this may include exercises or movement that you should avoid, so that you will not cause re-injury.

Joint mobilizations to reduce stiffness and immobility throughout the body. Soft tissue release can be used to reduce muscle tension, trigger points, knots and general tightness.

Therapeutic ultrasound can be used to help break down scar tissue in old injuries or facilitate improved localized healing for recent injuries.

This type of rehabilitation is for patients suffering from BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo). Besides some specialized maneuvers needed to help correct this, you will also need exercises to perform at home. We are also able to diagnose you if you are unsure that your dizziness/vertigo is due to BPPV. Read more about it here.

For seniors and patients with balance issues, we provide an individualized exercise program to help reduce future risk of falls and injury.

The process of inserting very thin needles to specific points of the body to reduce pain, muscle tension, increase circulation and help with various conditions and ailments. There is no pain involved and no marks left after the treatement.

Another form of alternative medicine that involves suction cups to promote healing, remove toxins, increase relaxation and reduce muscular tension in the body. You may experience temporary, pain-free marks after the technique is performed. Read more here.

While comfortably positioned in a massage chair, different massage techniques are employed to help reduce muscular tightness, increase relaxation and manage stress.

Whether due to sports, car accident or a general fall, it is very important to manage the symptoms after a head injury. A throughout assessment is made with a specialized grading tool to examine the severity of the concussion, how much rest is needed, and when it is safe to back to sport or activity.

Taping with kinetic tape (e.g. stretchy tape) is provided to support inflamed muscle, tendons and ligaments and reduce pain during activity. We will also teach you how to apply it yourself, if applicable. Read about it here.

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