About Us

Our Mission

Our aim is to provide direct physiotherapy care and treatment for the patient. Some clinics in the community use an assistant or Kinesiologist in patient care, however we are not one of them. We see your progress through your recovery from beginning to end!


Who Are We

Henry Truong, Msc.PT, BSc.Kin, CMAG

Henry received his Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Toronto (in 2011). During his studies, he had clinical internships at various hospitals including Toronto General Hospital, Sunnybrook Hospital, and Toronto Rehab. Prior to studying physiotherapy, Henry attended York University and obtained a bachelor degree in Kinesiology and Health Science with specialized honours. In addition to English, he can comprehend Chinese language (Cantonese and Mandarin).

Orthopaedic Manual and Soft Tissue Release
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
Neurological Rehabilitation (MS, Parkinson's, Stroke, etc.) Advanced Vestibular & Concussion Rehabilitation Modern Cupping Therapy & Chair Massage


Our team has worked with many different types of injuries and conditions in the past, which include: fractures, surgeries (joint replacements, tendon repairs), injuries from car accidents, athletic injuries, deconditioning, disc bulges and nerve impingements of the spine and various forms of chronic pain. 

We utilize a variety of techniques that is individualized according to the patients’ diagnosis to help them recover more effectively. Most importantly,  encouragement and education is provided to all clients to help them achieve their goals.

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